Manan has always been intrigued by nature. In his free time, he’s a nature-loving ninja exploring India’s national parks–Indiana Jones style. He’s ready to shoot pictures! With a goal to explore all 130 national parks, he’s on a wild quest to document and connect with nature.
Founders like you face one important problem: “How do I make my brand legendary & business big?” Do you have to be Ryan Reynolds to drive that impact? Not really! You need a partner equally invested in your growth who can turn your business from bland to brand.
We’re storytellers, visionaries empowered by technology. We turn your idea into fail-proof execution, driving scalable business growth.
Ideas excite us. But ideas are stardust without great execution partners. We believe you need equally passionate people to take the idea to the next level. We invest in brands with exciting ideas. We create symbols of change. We help you profit from change.
Are you looking to become the next Brian Chesky or Dharmesh Shah? They were independent thinkers and creatives. People who stay when the hurdles are high, People who zig when others zag. These are the founders we want to partner with.
You might not like our style. And that’s okay. We will push you and keep pushing you until we break ground to greater things! We are direct, do not believe in hierarchies, and are curious for knowledge.
We mirror you. You bring us energy; we boost it!
We’re not your marketing agency. We’re not the people that create your website. We are agents of change, an army of disciplined creators!
We are POTENT!